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Change Of Operations At JCDPH And Updated Resources Jackson County

At this time, the Jackson County Department of Public Health (JCDPH) has suspended all outreach activities as much as possible.  Services will still be available at our main location however clients and patients are encouraged to reschedule any non-urgent appointments especially if they are at a higher risk from getting sick from COVID-19.

The Jackson County Animal Shelter will still provide adoption and surrender services but will handle these services outside of their facility until further notice.  Patrons needing assistance at the Animal Shelter are to call 828-586-6138 or honk.

JCDPH has also updated its website with information specific to our community.  Check it out here: http://health.jacksonnc.org/covid19.  You will find basic information on COVID-19, signs & symptoms, testing & treatment, travel guidance, and what you can do to slow or stop the spread of COVID-19 in Jackson County.  The website also has a link to “Get the Facts: FAQ About COVID-19 in Jackson County.”  This is a running list of frequently asked questions that we updates as frequently as possible.  These FAQ will also be pushed out through our Facebook page.

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