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Two in Five “Pet Parents” Think Having a Pet Is as Expensive as Having a Kid?

We know that Halloween costume you bought your dog set you back a few bucks.  But are pets really THIS expensive?  A new poll of cat and dog owners found that 40% of, quote, “pet parents” think having a pet is just as expensive as raising a CHILD.  Some said MORE expensive?

People who aren’t parents probably don’t realize how fast kids can drain your bank account.  On average, it now costs $233,000 to raise a child to the age of 18.  That doesn’t even include college.

The “pet parent” poll found the average person spends $4,500 a year on their pet.  That’s $375 a month, which seems a little high.  But even if it’s true, that’s $81,000 if they live to 18.  Or roughly one-third as expensive as having a kid.

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